Wednesday 16 December 2015

Ways To Prevent Winter Dryness With Natural Home Remedies

Ways To Prevent Winter Dryness With Natural Home Remedies

Chills of winter are back with loads of dryness, allergies, itchiness and redness on our body & face. So how does one tackle this beauty hitch with a smart & durable move. While we depend on chemical laden moisturizers and creams, we completely ignore home remedies and healthy habits that can naturally beat winter dryness and other skin issues. Here’s a few basic and accessible home remedies to overcome dryness, along with some healthy habits to keep them away. High Temperature Grease

1. Replace chemical moisturizers with natural alternatives.
 Metal Stamping Drawing Oil

Use natural moisturizers like: Butter, olive oil, coconut oil, milk, honey and yoghurt rather than the same old chemical moisturizers. Where milk and butter exfoliate and softens our skin, yoghurt acts as an excellent hydrating agent and prevents itchiness and dryness. Honey is considered an excellent moisturizers loaded with anti-oxidants which makes our skin soft and smooth. Anti Rust Oil

2. Whip winter toning and scrubs.
Anti Static Coning Oil

Ditch all those cosmetics that lead to dryness and discover handmade toning and scrubs. Mash banana with two tbsp of honey and two tbsp of oats. Let the pack dry. Scrub it off in a circular motion. Mix two tbsp of sugar with 4-5 drops of olive oil in it. Use it to exfoliate and nourish your skin. Mix two tbsp of cocoa powder with two tbsp of sugar. Add some drops of lemon and almond oil to it. Mix it well and apply this pack all over your face and hands. Keep on scrubbing until the mixture dries. Now wash it off with cold water. This will work as a good scrub in winter. Copper Wire Oil

3. Revamp your makeup.
 Spark Erosion Fluid

Add tinted lip balms and hydrating foundation to your cosmetic bag. Opt for cream based blush and hydrating mist to lock your skin’s softness. Also, avoid using mousse foundation, powder or pancakes in winter. Fruit Tree Spray Oil

4. Eat oil, drink water.
 Drawing Oil Manufacturer

In winters, our body loses moisture often. Even a touch of cold air can make your skin go dry. Oils are a good moisturising element in winter. Olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, avocado oil are some of the useful products that ensure your skins softness and smoothness in winter. Eating healthy oils also internally rejuvenates your skin and makes it healthy. In winters, our body needs double the amount of water we intake normally. To keep ourselves hydrated both internally and externally we should drink lots and lots of water.  Oil Manufacturer in India

5. Healthy showers.
 Stamping Drawing Oils

Bath in winters has to be very careful and planned in order to avoid dryness. First and foremost, minimize your bath time to avoid skin exposure to air and water. Massage your face and  body with olive, coconut oil or even milk. This will moisturize and soften your skin. You can also add drops of olive oil or coconut oil to your bath water.

6. Follow healthy habits.
 Transformer Oils

If you are too lazy to follow the above mentioned tips, start following these winter habits 
  • Eat healthy. Add lots of fruits, fiber and green vegetables in your diet.
  • Do not take hot water baths as it in creates dryness.
  • Apply moisturizers twice or thrice a day.
  • Keep your body hydrated by drinking lots of water.
  • Cover your body to avoid cold air and dryness of your skin.
  • Avoid using beauty products with alcoholic content in them. 
  • Replace your harsh soap with a mild face wash.
  • Use Vaseline on your feet, hands and lips to keep them soft and supple.
  • Before bathing, apply olive or coconut oil all over your body and face, this will soften and moisturize your skin. Brake Fluids

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Teach Your Children

Teach Your Children

DEUTERONOMY 6:6-7 NKJ 6 "And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. 7 "You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. Automotive Lubricants Oil

God holds all parents responsible for teaching their children. But that does not require some formal approach to instruction. The best way is a natural flow of information as we go through life.

God's Word tells us that teaching our children should happen during the normal events of daily life. We can illustrate truth and apply it to what happens every day, just as Jesus did with His disciples. Anti Rust Oil

We must also realize that everything our children see us do in life is also unintentionally teaching them. Whatever they see you do is a lesson your children are watching and learning from.

If you never speak of God and His Word, it communicates to your children that God is not very important to you. If you don't read your Bible, don't expect your children to read the Bible.

It is also important to mean what you say, and say what you mean -- to always tell the truth. If your children know you don't keep your word, they won't expect God to keep His Word either. So if you tell your child something, either do it, or ask their forgiveness for not keeping your word. High temperature Grease

Don't try to leave the responsibility for teaching your children about God to someone else. You may not feel qualified but God will help you. Just be honest with God and honest with your children, and you will make progress with both.

SAY THIS: I will teach my children the knowledge of God.

A Devotion
author unknown
"a merry heart doeth good like a medicine" Prov 17:22
  High Performance Coolant

Friday 20 November 2015

Ties That Bind

Ties That Bind
Maya Backstrap Weaving 

Everyday in the highlands of Guatemala, Maya women engage in a moving meditation that is a metaphor for the mysteries of creation. Backstrap weaving is an ancient textile art, pre-dating history. According to Maya legend, the goddess Ixchel invented backstrap weaving and is credited with creating the cosmos on her loom. Even today, every Maya textile design is in homage to the goddess of medicine, childbirth, and weaving. The indigenous names of the parts of the loom, the weaving procedures, and designs are all part of the Maya vision of birthing and the cosmos. Grease

Known in Guatemala as the "stick loom," the backstrap loom is made of hand carved wooden parts. Weaving literally binds Maya women to their land, as well as their culture. The backstrap is tied around the waist of the weaver, the other end secured to a post or tree. The weaver is an integral part of the loom, connected to her environment, at one with nature. 

The textile art has been passed on from one generation to the next, from mother or grandmother to girls as young as seven and eight. For Maya women, weaving is a ritual part of everyday life, done between chores. The textiles created on the backstrap loom cannot be very long or wide. It may take two or three months to create a traditional huipil (blouse) that must be woven in pieces and then sewn together. High Temperature Grease

Despite government restrictions, Maya women have maintained their culture and have continued to create their unique, colorful textiles which are prized all over the world. Though linguistically they are challenged by as many as 20 different languages, through weaving the Maya people share a common heritage. Many aspects of Maya culture are communicated by traje, or costume. Thus, Maya women bind their people by their cloth.  Engine Oil

Backstrap weaving is a craft of indigenous peoples throughout the world. Such weavings are found in Africa, India, Indonesia, and Tibet, among other countries. The craft is so respected that there are even workshops offered in Guatemala and Mexico, as well classes in the U.S. and other parts of the world. SMK petro

S-8, 2nd Floor, Shivaji Park, Punjabi Bagh, Delhi – 110026, India

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Bad Breath - How to Control

Metal Stamping Drawing Oil

Bad Breath - How to Control

Even with regular brushing and flossing, even with mints, mouthwashes and other breath fresheners, are there times when that h-h-h-horrendous h-h-h-halitosis h-h-h-has (ugh!) made some of those around you consider career opportunities in Arctic Circle weather stations? High Temprature Grease

If your mate or colleagues start inquiring about getting your mouth declared "endangered swamplands," don't take it too personally. After all, bad breath hits just about everyone sometime--and, unfortunately, everyone around us as well. "There are so many causes of bad breath, literally dozens of them, that it is occasionally difficult to pinpoint," says Joseph Tonzetich, Ph.D., professor of oral biology at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.

Fact is, just about anything we put in our mouths, from antihistamines and other drugs to food and drink, can make your breath smell a tad uglier. Stress, sinus problems, mouth sores, talking, even our hormones can intensify bad breath. But breathe easy, folks, because here's how to kiss that nasty halitosis goodbye. Anti Rust Oil

Eat an orange. "Some cases of bad breath--particularly those caused by stress and taking drugs--are the result of your mouth being too dry," says Dr. Tonzetich. "Citrus fruits and other foods high in citric acid are very good at stimulating saliva. The acid also helps suppress the activity of some odor-causing enzymes, while the 'tangy' taste of lemons, oranges and grapefruit helps freshen your mouth."

Be a picker. "Probably one of the best ways to control bad breath is to use an oral irrigation device such as a Water Pik to 'irrigate' your teeth," says Fred G. Fedok, M.D., assistant professor of otolaryngology/head and neck surgery at University Hospital of Pennsylvania State University in Hershey. "Using a Water Pik helps remove food and other debris that cause a lot of bad breath." Clay Grease Exporters

Try the baking soda solution. You can add extra punch to your Water Pik by using a baking soda solution to clean your teeth. "You can brush on baking soda with a toothbrush and then rinse with water or use your Water Pik," says Dr. Fedok. "Or what I really recommend is mixing baking soda with warm water, pouring that solution into the Water Pik and using it to irrigate your teeth and mouth."

According to Dr. Fedok, "Baking soda is a great remedy for bad breath, because it changes the pH in your mouth and makes it a less friendly environment for many bacteria." He adds that baking soda is especially helpful to those with bad breath caused by gingivitis. Hydraulic Machinery Oils

Brush your tongue. "Perhaps the most overlooked way of eliminating bad breath is to brush the top surface of the tongue when you brush your teeth," says Dr. Tonzetich. "Although there are many causes of bad breath, usually the odor arises from the surface of the tongue." That's because the tongue is covered with microscopic, hairlike projections that trap and harbor plaque and food, says Eric Shapira, D.D.S., assistant clinical professor and lecturer at the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry in San Francisco. A daily, gentle brushing (including the top of your tongue) unlodges these odorous particles.

Or give it a wipe. Don't have a toothbrush handy? Not to worry. "Simply take a hanky or a piece of gauze and give your tongue a good wiping," advises David S. Halpern, D.M.D., a dentist in Columbia, Maryland, and a spokesdentist for the Academy of General Dentistry. "Even a quick wipe is good for removing the coating on your tongue that can cause bad breath."

Clean your sinuses. Since bad breath can be caused by any number of sinus problems, some people get relief by "washing" out the area inside your nose where the sinuses drain, says Dr. Fedok. If you want to try it, use a saline solution in a blue-ball syringe--the kind used to clean out ears. (Both the solution and the syringe are available at most pharmacies.) "You'll have to refill the syringe several times. Spray the saline up each nostril, letting the solution drain out the other nostril and your mouth. It may take up to a pint of saline to wash out your sinuses," says Dr. Fedok.

Use the right mouthwash. Just about any type of mouthwash will temporarily mask the odors of bad breath--usually for about 20 minutes. But to eliminate the foul smell with the efficiency of Rambo in a bad mood, choose a mouthwash that contains zinc. "Zinc has a tendency to do a lot of things to inhibit the production of sulfur compounds that cause bad breath," says Dr. Tonzetich. "And zinc mouthwashes don't taste as metallic as copper-containing oral products." Apple Tree Spray Oil

Eat breakfast. Miss breakfast and it's a good bet you may have tainted breath all morning long, adds Dr. Tonzetich. "You usually have tainted breath until you take in some food," he says. "A lot of people who go without breakfast have bad breath at least until lunchtime."

Complete your dining with water
. Whether you're having a quick snack or a multicourse meal, a water chaser is the ideal after-dining drink. "Swishing a mouthful of water is a great way to get rid of odors caused by food and drink," says Dr. Halpern.

This is especially recommended after having coffee, tea, soft drinks which can leave a residue that can attach to plaque in your mouth causing bad breath.
Settle your stomach. Indigestion or stomach problems can cause you to burp, expelling foul gaseous odors, says Dr. Halpern. To relieve this problem, take antacids to settle your stomach. Automotive Lubricants Oil

Chew your "greens." Besides being instant breath fresheners, parsley and wintergreen also release pleasant aromatic substances into the lungs. The result: They'll be freshening your breath some 24 hours later, adds Dr. Bogdasarian.

Watch your diet. Some research indicates that a high-fat diet may contribute to bad breath. The theory is that certain fats-particularly those in cheeses, butter, whole milk and fatty meats--may contain certain aromatic substances that we metabolize and exhale, says Dr. Bogdasarian. If other causes of bad breath have been eliminated, try cutting back on deli meats and dairy products and replacing them with more carbohydrates, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Engine Oil Manufacturers

Know your medications. Many prescription and over-the-counter drugs contribute to bad breath by having a "drying" effect on the mouth. That's because saliva, being slightly acidic, normally suppresses bacteria. But some drugs cause saliva to dry up. When it does, the bacteria in your mouth start reproducing like rabbits in springtime. Antihistamines, decongestants, anti-anxiety drugs, diuretics and certain heart medications lead the list of drugs that have a mouth-drying effect. If you're taking any of these drugs, be sure to increase your intake of water. Chewing gum or sucking on hard candies will also keep saliva flowing.

Sunday 2 August 2015

Mayday... Mayday!

MayDay... MayDay!

An air traffic control tower suddenly lost communications with a small twin engine aircraft. A moment later the tower landline rang and was answered by one of the employees.

The passenger riding with the pilot who lost communications was on a cellular phone and yelled: Mayday, Mayday!!! The pilot had an instant and fatal heart attack. I grabbed his cell phone out of his pocket and he had told me before we took off he had the tower on his speed dial memory. I am flying upside down at 18,000 feet and traveling at 180 mph. Mayday, mayday!!! High Temperature Grease

The employee in the tower had put him on speaker phone immediately.

Calm down, we acknowledge you and we will guide you down after a few questions. The first thing is not to panic, remain calm!!! Anti Rust Oil

He began his series of questions:
  • Tower: How do you know you are traveling at 18,000 feet??
  • Aircraft: I can see that it reads 18,000 feet on the dials in front of me.
  • Tower: Okay, that is good, remain calm. How do you know you are travelling at 180 mph??
  • Aircraft: I can see that it reads 180 mph on the dials in front of me.
  • Tower: Okay, that is good. How do you know you're flying upside down??
  • Aircraft: Because the crap in my pants is sliding out of my collar.

Friday 10 July 2015

What Your Feet Say About Your Personality

What Your Feet Say About Your Personality 

Do you have a Big Foot? This might mean you are a Yeti!

Jokes apart, but your foot shape can reveal a lot about your inner self. Whether it is your digestive system or your relationship, your feet can tell everything. So say goodbye to the old fashioned palmistry and learn to read your foot.

High Temprature Grease
“The eyes are the window to your soul”, you may have heard this before; what about the feet? They (Chinese) say that “the soles of your feet are the mirrors that reflect your body functions including your mind”. Foot reading was initiated centuries ago in China, almost 5,000 years back. India is also famous for the same.

Every part of your foot is associated with some part of your body; for instance, the arch of your foot can portray the condition of your spine and a fallen arch signals a back problem.
If you don’t know how to do read your food, just follow our instructions.

Big Toe
Let’s begin with the Big toe. An exceptionally bigger big toe represents your creativity and the clever ideas that linger in your mind. You always have a solution to the problem and have the ability to analyze a situation from various angles. You have the power to leave others speechless.

A big toe smaller than the other toes, describes that you are a multi-tasker and extremely efficient in your work. You have a very charming personality and this enables you to persuade people to follow your instructions. Anti Rust Oil

Second Toe
If your second toe is longer than the other toes, including the big toe, then this indicates that you are very bossy. If you are a guy then in the Indian culture you are not much of a desired husband because of your bossy nature.

The term “My way or the highway” is better suited to you, but let us put it in a much decent way by saying that you have great leadership qualities. You have a very dynamic personality and creativity is your asset.

A smaller second toe suggests that you have the flexibility to mold yourself according to the situations. You like to work in harmony and avoid conflicts. You never let go an opportunity and make the best out of it.

Third Toe
The third toe symbolizes energy and will power. A longer third toe is an indication of an incredible amount of energy. It also denotes that you will always be successful in your career. You work with perfection and self-determination. The only flaw is that your work life overshadows your family and love life. We suggest that you maintain a balance between the two. Coolant

People with shorter third toe know how to live the life to the fullest. If you have a shorter third toe, then there are chances of you being called “lazy”. All you love to do is kick back and relax and nothing in the world can get you moving unless you want. Your aim in the world is to “Enjoy”.

Fourth Toe
If you have a long forth toe you are a family kind of person and your family is the first priority in your life. Any sort of tension in your relationship with the loved ones can affect you devastatingly. You are kind hearted and always willing to help others with their problems. According to the Chinese terminology you are a “gentle soul” that easily gets wounded.

A short fourth toe shows your lack of interest for the family life. It represents that you like to be alone. Automotive Lubricants Oil

Little Toe
A smaller little toe denotes that you are immature and less practical. You escape from the responsibilities and get bored very easily. You are friendly, witty and love to socialize.

Try to wiggle your little toe because if you can, then you are a flirt and have a very unpredictable kind of personality.

Wide Feet
Your wide feet indicate that you are a hard worker. You are extremely restless and can’t sit idle for a minute. In Chinese terminology, “your feet are firmly planted on the ground”. You are very practical and keeping yourself busy gives you ultimate happiness.

What we suggest you is that you need to relax a bit and enjoy the pleasures of day dreaming.

Narrow Feet
If you have narrow feet, then you love to be pampered. You are not much of a hard working person and you know the tricks how to get your work done by the others.

You are very creative and have a special love for beauty. Due to your strong aesthetic sense you are the owner of a beautiful home, no matter how much money you earn. The Chinese define your feet as the “Princess Feet”, the feet that barely land on the ground. 

A wise suggestion for you is that care a bit about the people around you. Copper Wire Drawing Oils

High arches are an indication of a person’s independence and self-sufficiency. It also indicates that the person is a loner. According to the Chinese philosophy people with high arches are rigid and brittle.

On the other hand people with flat foot are extroverts and love to socialize. They have a magnetic personality and the ability to please others. 

Bunions and Flaking Skin
Bunions indicate that you are constantly working and caring for others but do not have time for yourself. It is suggested that you stop being a doormat for others and take some time out and pamper yourself.

Flaking skin also indicate the same. People with flaking skin also need love to get their problems fixed. Grease Manufacturers

Dark Patches
If you have dark patches on the toe pads it might mean that you are depressed.

Deep red or purple kind of patches on the foot symbolizes emotional wounds.

We hope that foot reading can help you have a closer look at the negative aspects of your personality; rectify them and improve the quality of your life.

Friday 5 June 2015

Making sense of it all

All the goings on in the world around you are important. The thoughts, feelings, passions and values within you are just as important, even more so in fact. All purpose Grease

Waves of new information wash over your awareness on a constant basis. Don’t let all that data crowd out your sense of who you are, of what you care about, and of what you intend.

By all means, pay attention to what’s going on in the outer world, and respond appropriately. Pay at least as much attention to the abiding values that form the essence of who you are.
Life is more than a mere stream of disjoined events and experiences. Life is the ability to fashion enduring meaning out of it all.

You can pay attention to what’s going on without being consumed by it. You can live your life according to the direction you’ve set, instead of being tossed around by every new development.
The way to make sense of it all, the way to find value and fulfillment in it all, is to see it all from a solid, stable perspective. Keep yourself grounded in the truth of who you always are, and you can make the most of whatever new things come along. Automotive lubricants Oil

Ralph Marston

Wednesday 3 June 2015

The Old German Dog

The Old German Dog

An old German Shepherd dog starts chasing rabbits and before long, discovers that he's lost. Wandering about, he notices a panther heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having lunch.

The old German Shepherd thinks, "Oh, oh! I'm in deep trouble now!"

Noticing some bones on the ground close by, he immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the  approaching cat. Just as the panther is about to leap, the old German Shepherd exclaims loudly, All Purpose Grease
"Boy, that was one delicious panther! I wonder, if there are any more around here?"

Hearing this, the young panther halts his attack in mid-strike, a look of terror comes over him and he slinks away into the trees.

"Whew!," says the panther, "That was close! That old German Shepherd nearly had me!"

Meanwhile, a squirrel who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the panther. So, off he goes. Apple Tree Spray Oil

The squirrel soon catches up with the panther, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the panther.

The young panther is furious at being made a fool of and says,

"Here, squirrel, hop on my back and see what's going to happen to that conniving canine!"

Now, the old German Shepherd sees the panther coming with the squirrel on his back and thinks, "What am I going to do now?," but instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending he hasn't seen them yet, and just when they  get close enough to hear, the old German Shepherd says...

"Where's that squirrel? I sent him off an hour ago to bring me another panther!" know what could have happened next....... 

Moral of this story...

Don't mess with the old dogs... Age and skill will always overcome youth and treachery!

Insight and brilliance only come with age and experience. so be careful messing up with your seniors and try to stay in harmony with them :) Automotive lubricants Oil

Monday 25 May 2015

Smile Amidst Trial

Smile Amidst Trial

When my heart is heavy,
When the day is gray,
When the clouds hover
On a dark stormy day,

When challenges face,
When trials are near,
When I feel in my heart
A sense of fear,

I call on Your Name,
And to me You run,
Your face more radiant
Than the midday sun.

You lift me up,
You hold me tenderly,
You remind I am Yours
For all eternity,

What have you to worry,
My child, My friend?
Remember My love for you
Has no end.

It matters not
If it does rain or shine,
You are always in My care
Perfect and divine.

So let Me wipe your tears,
Let me hold you near,
To My heart forever
I hold you dear.

No challenge, no storm,
Can stop My love for you;
I love you always,
Know this to be true.

©Caroline Gavin 
Purposeful Pathway

1 Peter 5:10 (KJV)
But the God of all grace, 
who hath called us unto his
eternal glory by Christ Jesus, 
after that ye have suffered a while,
make you perfect, stablish,
strengthen, settle you.

Sunday 26 April 2015

Plunging Into The Deep

Plunging Into The Deep
Life Can Be Scary

Life can take us on a roller coaster ride full of highs and lows and twists and turns. Even for those of us who enjoy unexpected thrills, it's frightening to suddenly find ourselves heading for a deep plunge. Yet, it happens to all of us. At these moments, it is important to remember that you are not alone in your experiences. No matter how brave, strong, or levelheaded we are, sometimes, we all get scared.

Our fears may revolve around our physical safety, particularly if we are not feeling well, living under difficult circumstances, or doing work that exposes us to hazardous conditions. Or, we may be experiencing financial woes that are causing us to be fearful about making ends meet. We may also fear the loss of a loved one who is sick, or we may be scared of never finding someone special to spend our life with. We may be scared to start at a new school, begin a different job, move to a new town, or meet new people. Whatever our fears are, they are valid, and we do not need to feel ashamed or embarrassed that we are, at times, afraid.

It may be comforting to know that everyone gets scared, and it is perfectly OK. Sometimes just acknowledging our fears is enough to make us feel better. And while it sometimes takes a lot more to ease our mind, we can console ourselves with the knowledge that life can be scary at times. Giving ourselves permission to be scared lets us move through our fears so we can let it go. It also makes it alright to share our fears with others. Sharing our apprehensions with other people can make our fears less overwhelming because we are not letting them grow inside of us as pent up emotions. Sharing our fears also can lighten our burden because we are not carrying our worries all by ourselves. Remember that you are not alone. Automotive Lubricants Oil

Tuesday 21 April 2015

How to Work with a Boss You Hate

Apple Tree Spray Oil

A worth reading article even if you are not an over sensitive employee. Lot of things to learn from this write up. Courtesy LifeHacker 

By Alan Henry
Sometimes we have the pleasure of working with a manager we really like and respect, and who respects us too. Other times, the relationship isn't so great, and we have to deal with someone we can barely tolerate. Still, with the job market being what it is, you don't want to just quit every time you work for someone you don't get along with. Here's how to grow a thicker skin at the office and learn to deal with a boss you may not want to see every morning. 

Is Your Boss a Bad Person or Just a Bad Manager?
 The first thing you need to figure out is whether your boss is a bad manager or a bad person. The former implies that he doesn't give you the direction, priorities, and guidance you need to succeed at your job. The latter is a highly subjective way of saying the two of you don't see eye-to-eye for personal reasons. If your boss is just a bad manager, you can functionally compensate for their issues with planning and structure. If your issue with your boss is one of personality, your job will require some perspective-checking on your part. Still, there are ways through both problems, but you're not going to make any headway at all if you're not clear on which issue you're facing. 

Find Out If You're Part of the Problem
Here's a question you probably don't want to ask yourself: are you the problem here? Remember, everyone's the hero of their own story, and everyone believes they're the party in the right. Your manager is no different. Step back for a moment and ask yourself if you're contributing to the poor relationship.
On Careers notes that many frustrated employees may just be oversensitive to the criticisms and natural flow of their workplace. For example, if you're caught up in the tone or approach your boss uses to discuss things, you miss the message underneath. If you're simply reacting to your boss instead of responding to the issues they bring up, you're probably letting your emotional responses get the better of you.

We've discussed how to take criticism like a champ and without getting worked up over the tone or delivery. Focus on the message, and in this case the work, instead of your boss's personality. Try to separate your emotional response from the things that irritate you, and give your boss clear but professional feedback when they do things that make you uncomfortable. You're both adults, you can act like it. Choose your battles wisely, and understand that you both have to work together.

Differentiate "Like" and "Respect"
In the military, you don't get to choose your boss. You don't even get to just quit when you run up against someone you don't really like working for. You have to adapt, adjust, and find a way to figure out your differences and move on. Granted, working in a corporate IT department or helping customers on the sales floor isn't the same as being in the service, but you can take a few cues from our friends in uniform. Remember, you're not at work to make friends. It can be great to make friends at work, and you should try if you can, but you need to separate whether you like your boss from whether you can learn to respect their position. 

We're not glossing over how difficult this can be. When polled its readers asking what traits made someone a "bad boss," most of them had common refrains: their boss didn't respect them, or had never earned their respect. Their boss wasn't qualified to do their jobs, much less manage them. Their boss was terrible at communicating, or setting expectations or priorities. These are all difficult to overcome, but getting past them starts with at least respecting the fact that they're your manager. That doesn't mean accepting everything they do, or even respecting them as a person, but it does mean accepting and understanding that you have to work with this person somehow. The rest is small stuff you can work through.

What You Can Do By Yourself to Cope
Even if your job sucks, that doesn't mean you can't fix it. Let's start with ways you can manage yourself. Whether your issues with your boss are personal or professional, you can benefit from some simple coping mechanisms that will help you deal with a bad boss on your own. 

Understand what stress does to you and how to fight it. If your boss stresses you out and makes you angry, you might benefit from simple office-friendly stress relief tricks like meditation, deep breathing for 10 seconds, or taking a walk to calm yourself before responding. If your boss is right in front of you and you're getting angry, try to intercept your emotional response and let them know you'll respond appropriately later. Whatever you do, separate the content of the message from its delivery. Focusing on the former is useful; focusing on the latter is a recipe for trouble.

Keep a work diary or a paper trail of interactions with them. If your boss is sexist, racist, or makes you uncomfortable at work, a work diary can be a great tool if you need to report them to someone higher up, but in this case we'd suggest using it as catharsis. Writing down how you feel and how your interactions with your boss makes you stressed out goes a long way towards helping you cope. You can keep your thoughts private, enjoy the benefits of getting it all out, and go back to work.

Find a mentor, or another manager you can look up to. A mentor, even a manager in another department, can often help you understand your boss's pressures and challenges in a non-threatening way. They may be willing to level with you in a way your boss isn't. Plus, while you may not be able to tell them everything, the whole point of having a mentor is to help you learn, grow, and develop your skills—which include working with difficult people. 

Draw bright lines between your work and your life. Get a hobby outside of work. Exercise. We discussed how bad bosses can follow you home, and some of the best coping mechanisms you can muster are the ones that force you to remember and enjoy what you're working those long hours for in the first place. Spend time with family and loved ones, and make sure to fiercely protect your personal time away from work. Set your boundaries, and go to bat for them when you have to. Keep your relationship with your boss in its little box until you have to deal with it and enjoy living your life.

All of these coping mechanisms are things you can do for yourself to help improve your mindset. We're not getting into the "It's not fair that I have to learn to cope while my boss can continue being a jerk battle. Like we said, we're all adults here, and we're all professionals. The moment you get stuck in that bean-counting mindset where "why should I have to do anything," it's over. We don't always get to choose who we work with—sometimes you just have to suck it up and work with what's in your power to change.

What You Can Do With Your Boss to Repair Your Relationship
 Now that you have some tools to work on yourself, it's time to work on your boss and peel back some of those layers that you hate. With luck, you'll find something you can work with. Here are some suggestions to help.

1-    Get closer to your boss. If your boss's problem is that they don't communicate, or set priorities or expectations for the work they assign you, get in good and close with them. Meet with them regularly—even offer to schedule the meetings yourself—to discuss those priorities and the things you're working on. Yes, those meetings could result in even more work, but wouldn't you rather get it every Wednesday at 3pm when you're talking work anyway than on Friday at 4pm when it's due before the end of the day? Plus, setting a time where you can talk about work gives you the opportunity to push back and ask your boss what can come off your plate to make room for the new stuff you have to do.

2-   Learn to "manage up" and give constructive criticism without sounding like a jerk. Like we mentioned earlier, you and your boss are both adults and you're both professionals. Unless your boss is both a bad manager and a bad person, they'll understand a little constructive criticism from time to time, especially if you deliver it properly. Let them know what about their behavior and demeanor is getting under your skin. Come armed with suggestions that might improve your relationship too—telling them you hate when they talk to you isn't helpful. Asking them to pull you aside to talk privately when they have a concern or asking them "What can I/we do to make this work better," is helpful.

3-   Work with your boss's skills and on his/her priorities. The fact is that the most qualified people for a job don't always get it. Sometimes a manager is brought in from another department because they're owed a favor, or because the company couldn't find someone to fill a role. Sometimes you'll have an engineer leading a team of project managers, or vice versa. Get familiar with your boss's background and see how you can relate on common ground. While you're at it, find out what their priorities for your team are, and who your boss works hardest for. That should give you some insight on what you should be paying attention to and who's projects are most important to your boss. A surefire way to take the heat off is to work on your boss's priorities first.

4-   Don't just be an employee, be your boss' assistant. Use your one-on-one time with your manager to discuss upcoming priorities as well. Don't leave any excuse for you to not know what your boss is working on, or what rumors or rumblings your boss may be privy to that will have an effect on your workload. We're big fans of the weekly review. Bring your boss in on it as well, or schedule one just for the two of you. If you have a small team, suggest to your boss that you all spend a short time each week clarifying priorities and talking about what's on everyone's shared plates. Doing so will get your boss communicating with you in a group setting, and take some of the sting out of their poor managerial skills. 

5-   Solve problems and propose solutions as a way to get revenge. It's often said that living well is the best revenge, so flip the problem on its head and kill your boss with kindness and productivity. If your boss makes you upset, treat them like a bully: Don't give them the satisfaction of a reaction—instead give them exactly what they're supposed to want in their role: a solution to the issue they've brought up. Solve your work problems, take credit for them, and then let them know the good work you've done (make sure to do it in that order so they can't steal your thunder.) Take the initiative, and make yourself appear to be your boss's peer to your colleagues and customers, not their subordinate. The best way to do this, of course, is to do great work. Let your bad boss transform you into a better employee.

6-   If the problem with your boss is that they're a bad manager, sometimes using personal leverage and common ground to get around their managerial problems is the best way for you—and for them—to succeed. After all, part of working for someone is to help cover their butt—if you prove to your boss that you're interested in doing this, they'll be more willing to work with you. If the problem is personal, sometimes getting close enough so you grow on one another is the key to breaking the wall between you. Working on the same priorities towards a common goal can melt even the thickest ice. Remember, you're on the same team here.

If All Else Fails, You Know What To Do
 If nothing else works, quit. Sometimes all of the common ground, shared priorities, coping mechanisms, and de-stressing techniques can't heal the rift between you and a bad boss. That said, don't just quit at the first sign. It's easy to say "your boss sucks, get out of there" when you're good at being employed, or if you're someone who's already employed talking to someone who loves their job but hates their manager. Sometimes it's worth it to try and work it out, and working it out takes effort and time. Give it a try first. 

If that doesn't work though, it might be time to look for something else. If you love your company, see if you can find another opening in-house you can transfer to. That comes with its own risks, but it may be worth doing to stay where you love the work. Otherwise, make a graceful exit. Granted, there's no guarantee that you won't wind up in a new job with a new boss you hate, so plan carefully and make sure to check yourself before doing anything rash. Worst case, maybe you're just not cut out to work for someone else, and you should consider working for yourself or starting your own business. In both cases, you get to work for yourself, and if you boss still sucks after that, you have a real problem.

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